My name is Ryan Bosse and I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, mid century furniture admirer.Originally from Kansas, I’m now enjoying living and working in San Francisco. Being a graphic designer just kind of fell into my lap via a suggestion from a high school art teacher. As a kid all I wanted to do was draw cool stuff. Looking back now it makes so much sense — I was always at a crossroads of drawing and design, whether that meant sketching anything from graffiti tags to superhero logos or even just wearing clothing specifically for the logo (Carhartt has been a favorite since I was seven). I am highly influenced by the aesthetics of the 40s-60s. Things like subway posters, pamphlets, and different ephemera had such beautiful simplicity in shape and color designed into things that were supposed to be thrown away. Looking through that stuff (which I probably have too much of at home) is always inspiring, it’s as good now as it ever was.