Moscow artist Maria Zherdeva was born in 1975. Her life path has been clear from the very beginning: surrounding, parents and teachers, noticing her talent, discovered an artist in Maria in her childhood. She participated in her first art exhibition at the age of eight. A significant stage in the career of Maria Zherdeva was classes in the workshop of monumental graphic artist Vladimir Ilyushchenko (who was Aleksandr Deineka's student) in 1992 and after. It is also necessary to mention the valuable experience that Zherdeva received in the icon-painting workshop in the name of St. Alipy Pechersky under the leadership of restorer and icon painter Tikhomirova K.G. In 1995 - 1998 Maria worked as a personal copyist of famous master of Soviet caricature, artist Vasily Fomichev, who was a great Man from a bygone era. The extraordinary lines and strokes of the satirical graphic formed and honed the skills of young Maria.