Mariola Glajcar


  • Mariola Glajcar

    Mariola Glajcar22 Artworks

    Mariola Glajcar - A psychologist by education, a photographer by vocation and a traveller by passion. Her love is creative photography, allowing to develop wings of incredible imagination. Although Mariola specialises in creative outdoor photography she has also been awarded many times in the category of fine art studio portraits. She was several times included in the group of 10 best children's photographers from all over the world on the 35awards portal, She took 2nd palce on best Childrens photography on 35awards portal, and she took first place in the international children's photography contest - CPC - in the fine art category. She has been honoured by Vouge, Lens Culture and Tokyo Photography awards. And these are just some of her awards and accolades Mariola has been repeatedly invited to workshops and conferences around the world. She had the opportunity to share her knowledge with photographers from Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, England, Norway and many other countries.

Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar
Mariola Glajcar