Dominic Dähncke


  • Dominic Dähncke

    Dominic Dähncke20 Artworks

    Dominic Dähncke is a Spanish landscape photographer based in the Canary Islands. Quite frankly, he is a master in monochrome photography and crafting beautiful compositions. Like every other community, there is always a popular trend or style in arts and design as well. These days it could be bento boxes, AI-generated imagery, or using typography as a texture. At some point in the 2010s, optical illusions were the big hit. Many artists participate in those styles in their own way, but for some artists, those styles and trends aren’t really temporary enthusiasm. They were probably creating these styles way before it was cool. To me, those people are beyond trends and temporary styles, and Dominic Dähncke is one of them. Dominic Dähncke was born in the isle of La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, and currently lives in Tenerife, Madrid, and Valencia. He is using black and white photographs to play with light and shadows. His art is mixed with humor, imagination, reality, and some slices from life itself. You can see carefully thought compositions, but sometimes also supported with luck. The storytelling aspect of Dominic Dähncke’s works is really moving. Perfectly aligning the camera and the objects to create some division. Even the naked eye can see the effort, craft, and thoughts in his work.

Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke
Dominic Dähncke