Cesar Viera


  • Cesar Viera

    Cesar Viera22 Artworks

    Born in Madrid in 1982, César Viera is a portrait photographer in love with shadows. Self-taught at a late age (he picked up his first camera at the age of 32), his interest in photography quickly turned into a passion, which led him to find his own language. In his works we can observe his obsession for symmetry, in which he finds beauty; and the textures in his models, which give value to the passage of time and the unique marks of each being he portrays. He seeks simplicity in all his aspects which allows him to connect with each person, which is what he really enjoys. His ability to establish genuine connections with those he photographs is reflected in the authenticity and depth of his work. With a close and funny personality, he uses photography to show his “dark side” characterized by a raw look at life, full of harshness and aggressiveness.

Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera
Cesar Viera