Teo Martino


  • Teo Martino

    Teo Martino20 Artworks

    Teo Martino was born on 21 April 1990 in Ciriè. He lives and works in Lanzo Torinese, a small village at the foot of the mountains about 30 km from Turin. He did not complete his school career and decided to work at the age of 17. He finds work with some marble workers and thus discovers his passion for marble. In 2022 he decides to embark on his artistic career by dedicating himself to the production of his own works. In the hands of Teo Martino, marble manages to take on a ductile value and a volume that emerges "by force of removal" (Michelangelo, 16th century) destined to become a disciplining element for the artist who constantly overcomes the obstacles that the material presents to him places in front. In his sculptures the subjects are never random, on the contrary: they are given birth and brought to life to leave a message for those who come after, a message that speaks of evolution, education and spirituality.

Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino
Teo Martino