Nasser Moghadam Cartoonist, Animator and Researcher, Born in 1980, Khorramdareh, Zanjan, Bachelor of Graphics, University of Tehran, 2005, Master of Animation, Tarbiat Modares University, 2008, Diploma in Mathematics and Physics, 2008, ranked 10th in the national entrance exam for art, 2000, ranked 1 Master's Degree in Art, 2005 Fluent in English, French, Ancient Persian, Parthian Pahlavi and Familiarity with Syriac, Lecturer at Shahed University, Science and Culture, and Islamic Art in Tabriz, Working in the field of animation since 2005, Collaboration with publications Etemad, Kooshesh and Negarestan, member of the selection and judging panel of several national and international festivals, including: the second book cartoon festival, the first Tabriz citizenship festival, the second endowment visual arts festival, etc., winner of more than 50 national and international awards in Field of Cartoons and Caricatures, author of 30 scientific articles in the fields of aesthetics and history of animation, interdisciplinary studies of art, and contemporary philosophy