we are sharing the poster titled “Conviction” by Çağdaş İnci, a designer that we had already presented. He was born in İzmir, Turkey and worked for various advertising agencies so far.
“Plastic straws are said to account for 8 percent of global plastic pollution. I suggest you research the role of plastic straws in environmental pollution. How big of a crisis can such a small thing cause … Rotary International added the environment as 7 priority areas in its 6 priority areas in 2020. Dokuz Eylul Rotaract Club and Dokuz Eylul Rotary Club organized a visual narrative competition themed “Transformation Begins at Home” within the scope of a series. My work you saw in this project, which is one of the projects aiming to raise awareness about the environment, which is the main element for the continuation of life, was awarded the 3rd prize” says Çağdaş.
Poster titled “Conviction” by Çağdaş İnci from Turkey